NestBaby Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, October 20, 2008


I started to write this post as if I were writing it to someone else. Then I realized that that's exactly what I DON'T want. I want to write as if it were my journal. My diary. But even more personal, because I'm not secretly afraid that my husband or kids or MIL-when-she's-here-visiting will get a hold of it and find a page that they shouldn't find until I am dead and gone and they are much older and more forgiving. Not that I plan to write terrible things about them. Or even about them at all, necessarily. I just want to write what I want to write when I want to write it, completely free of social consequences. If I want to write about funny things I think about that other people would think are weird, I will. Or if I want to write about the fact that I am convinced that my neighbor hates me and I have absolutely no idea why and puzzle over each minute interaction we have, well I will. And I won't be afraid that she will find out about it, thus heightening her mystifyingly intense dislike. Or if I want to write freely about dreams of ex-boyfriends that are romantic and warm and sweet and have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on my wonderful relationship with my husband, then I can. And I will. Finally! Because I tell my husband just about everything. But there really are some things, like said dreams, that I have learned are just not cathartic to tell him. So I'll tell you. You are my new journal. My diary. My innermost thoughts. And I really hope my computer-hacking brother doesn't find you in 10 minutes and spoil it all. :)

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